Friday 27 February 2015

Hello everyone! From today (Feb 27) through March 3rd, my first book: Alternate Worlds: Passages is free to download on Amazon.
The book is the first in my series (Second book is also available and the third will be out later this year) and was heavily influenced by my love of clever characters, different worlds and paranormal villains. If you follow me on tumblr then you should be well aware of what my interests are, and this fits directly with them.

You can get it here: X

Happiness and excitement is something Victoria has given up hope on in her life. Even as princess of her dusty, desert world of Scrabia, Victoria feels her life is more like that of a prisoner. Thanks to a ruthless religious sect and her distant mother controlling every aspect of her life, there isn’t much room left for adventure.
Yet when she begins to notice the markings of a dark plot, right on the tail of her dreaded announcement of arranged marriage to her cousin, Victoria’s sheltered life begins to crumble.
And then it crashes round her when the unthinkable happens and Victoria is thrown from her world to the neighbouring planet: the lush, green world of Scottorr, rumoured to be haunted and full of unimaginable evils. Alone and no longer important, Victoria’s previous problems now seem childish and her life insignificant.
That is, until she meets her saviour: Andrew O’Neill, a genius inventor who is unlike anyone she has ever encountered. Andrew is terrifying with his strange outbursts and odd behaviour, yet fascinating and irresistible. His interest in her—his greatest discovery—draws her closely into his unpredictable life.
As she begins to adjust to her new home and grow closer to her new companions, especially Andrew, her loyalties begin to shift and her homesickness and desire for her previous life grow fainter by the day.
But all is not as it seems, for there are dark and supernatural forces at work not only on her home world but creeping to Scottorr as well and she and her friends seem to be the only ones who can stop it.

For more info on all of this nonsense, follow me on tumblr, twitter @TaylorLWrites or on FB at Taylor Leigh WritesCheers!