Monday 25 November 2013

Tumbling Along

Well, I've given in and gotten a TUMBLR. I don't really even know how to use it yet--hey, I'm not exactly internet savvy, but, well, I have one, and it's slightly addicting. So if you like, here it is: My Tumblr! I promise to always reblog things about Sherlock and Doctor Who and everything else I love. And possibly do a bit of blogging about library stuff and my own books as well.
Taylor Leigh

Friday 15 November 2013


Like free things? Of course you do, everyone does.
WELL! My book is free for this week (From the 15th)
So if you're interested on this awesome deal, check it out, right HERE!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Messy Stuff

Busy, busy, busy. Feels like I have so much writing on my plate at the moment and my brain is so scattered! There's something about creating a new work, it's hard for me to tell myself that it's only the first draft. It doesn't have to be perfect, I can leave things out. Things can be messy. I suppose that is what creativity is supposed to be, messy.
I am very much hoping to get the first draft of the third book done by the end of the year, and yet that is soon approaching and I am stumbling about, trying to make everything in the plot right. But, as always, no matter how messy or disjointed it gets, it is a joy to write, a joy to create and build this world with Victoria and Andrew and Tollin and several other new faces that I am very excited for you all to meet.
I do suppose I should stop writing here and START writing in the actual document, so I will leave you all with these few thoughts, yes, I am writing, yes, it is a mess, but yes, I am having fun.
~ Taylor Leigh